Saturday, March 24, 2012

van Gogh Exhibit

Yesterday,  was a beautiful spring day of 80 degrees....and one would never guess it was still March! That in itself is cool....but to make it even "cooler", a group of Art Teachers in my school district had an amazing opportunity to visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art and view the Vincent van Gogh exhibit! What an incredible day!

Getting a chance to view up close and personal so many great works was just what I needed to jump start my engines! As Art teachers, we sometimes get stuck in a rut of production, discipline issues, grades, parent conferences, Art displays and lesson planning. We sometimes lose the excitement and enthusiasm that sparked our passion for Art in the first place. 

So getting a chance to see the great Masters, amidst an unexpected museum evacuation, was just what we needed. 

Entering  the van Gogh exhibit was like entering a holy place. Truly. The crowd was quiet, entranced and reflective. Though rather crowded as you can was still a moving experience. 

Walking into the exhibit to view the "sunflower" collection was a very welcoming tribute to the great works by van Gogh. Trying not to touch the layered textures of his paint was very hard... but the security guards were kind in their warnings to step back! lol Seeing only a "portion" of his vast collection of paintings from his life,truly blows your mind. Here is a man, despite his challenges and obstacles in his life, found a way to create art ever day during his short time on Earth. The pieces he created during his stay in an asylum were incredible and an example of not letting anything get in his way of his passion.  

So I'm thinking, if van Gogh can do it every day despite his challenges: his lack of money, his mental state, his institutionalization, his lack of an ear...I can at least  give 10 or more minutes out of my day (with all of my blessings) to create something too! 

So go create some Art!!! 

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